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Links importantes


International Society for Ecological Economics


Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Ecológica


Association of Environmental and Resource Economists


International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)


Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Limpeza Pública e Resíduos Especiais (ABRELPE)




New Economics Foundation (NEF)


Club for Degrowth


Degrowth/Decroissance Canada


International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)


International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)


The Schumacher Institute




e-Cycle (consumo sustentável)


Planeta Sustentável e "Heróis do Clima" (download)


Akatu - Consumo Consciente


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/PNUMA)


World Bank/Banco Mundial


Ministério do Meio Ambiente (Brasil)


Serviço Florestal Brasileiro (SFB)


Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM)


Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE)


Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA)



Leituras recomendadas


É recomendável que, antes de candidatar-se a integrar o grupo de pesquisa EARN, o interessado demonstre certa familiaridade com as principais discussões e problemas de pesquisa relacionados aos temas tratados pela equipe. Abaixo, listam-se algumas obras de referência que podem auxiliá-lo(a) a elaborar melhor sua proposta de pesquisa/atividade.   


Modelagem econômico-ambiental


PERMAN, R., MA, Y., McGILVRAY, J., COMMON, M. 2003. Natural resource and environmental economics. 3. ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education: Addison Wesley. 


THOMAS, J. M., CALLAN, S. J. 2010. Economia Ambiental: aplicações, políticas e teorias. São Paulo: Cengage Learning.


TIETENBERG, T. H., LEWIS, L. 2012. Environmental and natural resource economics. 9. ed. Upper Saddle River, US: Pearson.


TOL, R. S. J. 2014. Climate economics: economic analysis of climate, climate change and climate policy.
Chelteham, UK; Northampton, US: Edward Elgar.


WACKERNAGEL, M., REES, W. 1996. Our ecological footprint: reducing human impact on the Earth. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers.



Teorias termodinâmicas da moeda


BINSWANGER, H. C. 2013. The growth spiral: money, energy, and imagination in the dynamics of the market process. Heildelberg: Springer.


SODDY, F. 1933. Wealth, virtual wealth and debt: the solution of the economic paradox. London: Britons Publishing Company.


SODDY, F. 1934. The rôle of money: what it should be, contrasted with what it has become. London: George Routledge & Sons Ltd.



Economia do Pós-crescimento


DALY, H. E., FARLEY, J. 2004. Economia Ecológica: princípios e aplicações. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.


DEB, D. 2009. Beyond developmentality: constructing inclusive freedom and sustainability. London, UK;
Sterling, VA: Earthscan.


GEORGESCU-ROEGEN, N. 1971. The entropy law and the economic process. Harvard: Harvard University Press.


GEORGESCU-ROEGEN, N. 2012. O decrescimento: entropia, ecologia, economia. São Paulo: Senac.


HEYES, A. 2000. A proposal for the greening of textbook macro: "IS-LM-EE". Ecological Economics, 32: 1-7.


LAWN, P. A. 2003. Environmental macroeconomics: extending the IS-LM model to include an "environmental equilibrium" curve. Australian Economic Papers, 118-134, March.


LAWN, P. A. 2007. Frontier issues in ecological economics. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, US: Edward Elgar.


MEADOWS, D. H., MEADOWS, D. L., RANDERS, J., BEHRENS III, W. W. 1972. The limits to growth: a report for the Club of Rome's project on the predicament of mankind. New York: Universe Books.


ODUM, H. T., ODUM, E. C. 2012. O declínio próspero: princípios e políticas. Petrópolis: Vozes.


SCHUMACHER, E. F. 2010 [1973]. Small is beautiful: economics as if people mattered. New York: Harper Perennial.


VICTOR, P. A. 2008. Managing without growth: slower by design, not disaster. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, US: Edward Elgar.


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